Select Menu

Provide users with a more flexible and visually appealing way to choose from a list of options.

Alpine.js focus plugin is required, for more info check out Getting Started


The available data properties for this component.

Property Default Description
openfalseSets the default select menu visibility
selectedId0Sets the default selected id
labelCustomerSets the text of the label for the select menu
placeholderTextPlease select..Sets the default placeholder text when no option is selected
closeOnSelectiontrueIf set to 'true', the select menu will close when an option is selected
sizemdSets the select menu width size, available options are 'xs', 'sm', 'md', 'lg' and 'full'
options[]An object array to populate the available options in the select menu. Values for 'id', 'label' and 'value' attributes have to be provided (with unique ids)